
Browse through all of the translators in WLT.

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  • Adriana X. Jacobs is the Cowley Lecturer in modern Hebrew literature at the University of Oxford and specializes in contemporary Israeli poetry and translation. She is completing her first book, Strange Cocktail: Poetics and Practices of Translation in Modern Hebrew Poetry.

  • Elisabeth Jaquette is a translator from Arabic whose work has appeared in the New York Times, the Guardian, and elsewhere. Her first novel-length translation, Basma Abdel Aziz’s The Queue, received an English PEN Translation Award. She was also a CASA Fellow at the American University of Cairo.

  • Lena Jayyusi is a professor emeritus of communication studies and writes on media, memory narratives, language, and visuality. Her translations of Arabic poetry and fiction include the medieval epic folktale The Adventures of Sayf Ben Dhi Yazan (Indiana University Press, 1991).

  • Photo: Chuck Kuan

    Katrine Øgaard Jensen is a writer and translator whose work has been published in the Columbia Journal, Washington Square Review, Arc Poetry Magazine, Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. Her translation of Ursula Andkjær Olsen’s poetry collection Third-Millennium Heart was recently shortlisted for the Best Translated Book Award and longlisted for the National Translation Award. She lives in New York City where she edits EuropeNow.

  • Bill Johnston is professor of comparative literature at Indiana University. He is one of the most prolific translators of Polish literature into English. His work has received the Found in Translation Award, the PEN Translation Prize, the Best Translated Book Award, the Transatlantyk Prize, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and numerous other honors.

  • Photo by Cybele Knowles

    Fady Joudah has three poetry collections and four of poetry in translation from the Arabic. He is the recipient of the Yale Series prize, the Griffin Poetry Prize, and a Guggenheim fellowship.

  • Mohammed Kadalah has most recently published translations and short prose in Lyrikline and in the anthology Voices of the Arab Spring. Born and raised in Syria, he currently teaches Arabic at the University of Connecticut.

  • Toshiya Kamei holds an MFA in literary translation from the University of Arkansas. His translations have appeared in venues such as Clarkesworld, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and Strange Horizons.

  • Russell Karrick is a poet/translator living between New York and Colombia. He was the winner of the Summer/Fall 2020 Gabo Prize for Literature in Translation & Multilingual Texts from Lunch Ticket. His poetry has appeared in Magma Poetry, Blue Earth Review, Jet Fuel Review, and 300 Days of Sun, among others. He is currently finishing his MFA in creative writing at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

  • Katie Kassam is a recent translation graduate from South London who currently lives in Scotland. She holds a masters in translation studies, specializing in translation between Russian and English, and a bachelor of arts in modern foreign languages and history, both from Durham University. Most recently she completed a six-month internship in editing and terminology at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. She enjoys theater, painting, and exploring science fiction and fantasy across cultures.

  • Aziza Kasumov grew up in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany, but has spent the past eight years of her life in the US, first in Los Angeles, then in New York. She studied international relations and journalism at the University of Southern California and worked as a reporter for news organizations on both sides of the Atlantic, including the Financial Times and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. She is currently pursuing an MFA in fiction writing at Columbia University. Her faculty sponsor for this submission was Susan Bernofsky from Columbia University.

  • Photo by Ian Franzen

    Jordan Katz specializes in early modern Jewish history. She completed her PhD at Columbia University and is currently the Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Postdoctoral Associate at Yale. Next year she will begin a position as assistant professor in the Department of Judaic and Near Eastern Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

  • Photo by Natasha Sajé

    Lisa Katz, editor of the Israeli pages of the Poetry International Rotterdam Web, was translator in residence at the University of Iowa in fall 2017.

  • Andrew Kaufman’s books include the Cinnamon Bay Sonnets, winner of the Center for Book Arts manuscript award; Earth’s Ends, winner of the Pearl Poetry Book Award; Both Sides of the Niger (Spuyten Duyvil Press); and The Complete Cinnamon Bay Sonnets (Rain Mountain Press). He is an NEA recipient.

  • Photo: Denise Noone

    Catherine Kedala specializes in film studies and literature of the twentieth century and teaches Italian language and literature. She received a Global Citizen Award in 2014 and the 2017 Excellence in Teaching Award from the University of Connecticut.

  • Jesse Lee Kercheval’s poetry collections include Dog Angel (University of Pittsburgh Press) and World as Dictionary (Carnegie Mellon University Press). In May 2015 Editorial Yaugarú in Uruguay published her bilingual poetry collection Extranjera / Stranger. Her translations of the Uruguayan poet Circe Maia have appeared in such magazines as The New Yorker, Boston Review, and American Poetry Review. The University of Pittsburgh Press will publish Invisible Bridge / El puente invisible: Selected Poems of Circe Maia in August 2015. Kercheval is also the editor of América invertida: An Anthology of Younger Uruguayan Poets, which is forthcoming from the University of New Mexico Press. She is the Zona Gale Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin–Madison where she also directs the Program in Creative Writing

  • Sara Khalili is a financial journalist, editor, and translator of contemporary Iranian literature. She won a 2007 PEN Translation Fund Grant for her translation from the Farsi of Seasons of Purgatory, a selection of short stories by Iranian writer Shahriar Mandanipour.

  • Soo Y. Kim is Assistant Professor of English at Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea. Kim's research and teaching areas are post–1945 British fiction, world literature, and theory. 

  • Suji Kwock Kim, author of Notes from the Divided Country, Private Property, and Disorient, is a former Fulbright Scholar to Korea.

  • D. Brian Kim is a scholar of nineteenth-century Russian literature and the theory and practice of literary translation and cultural exchange. He teaches at the University of Pennsylvania.

  • Photo by Paul Brannan

    Katie King ( is an award-winning journalist and literary translator currently working on a PhD in Hispanic studies at the University of Washington in Seattle.

  • PHOTO: Zhai Yongming

    Lucas Klein is a father, writer, and translator as well as assistant professor in the School of Chinese at the University of Hong Kong.

  • Neal Koga translates short stories and poetry from German, Persian, and Turkish, and works freelance as a manuscript editor. His translation of Galsan Tschinag’s “The Swan Song of a Departing People” appears in the March 2015 print edition of WLT. He also composes and publishes songs under the name Jamal.

  • Hilah Kohen is a University of Pennsylvania doctoral student currently in residence at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. Her collaborations in Juhuri (Kavkazi Jewish) language advocacy include curatorial work for the Jewish Language Project and an article foregrounding Indigenous languages of the Russian Federation for Russian Language Journal. With Josephine von Zitzewitz, Kohen co-edited the “Russophonia” issue of Words Without Borders.

  • Ani Kokobobo is associate professor and chair of the Department of Slavic and Eurasian Languages and Literatures at the University of Kansas. Her writings have appeared with the Washington Post, LARB, and the Chronicle of Higher Education.

  • Jozefina Komporaly is editor and co-translator of the collections How to Explain the History of Communism to Mental Patients and Other Plays, András Visky’s Barrack Dramaturgy, and Plays from Romania: Dramaturgies of Subversion, and the author of numerous publications on translation, adaptation, and theater. Her translations have appeared in Asymptote, Columbia Journal, Los Angeles Review, Modern Poetry in Translation, World Literature Today, and others. Recently published volumes include Mr K Released, by Matéi Visniec (finalist for the 2021 EBRD Literature Prize), and Story of a Stammer, by Gábor Vida. Her forthcoming translation of Home, by Andrea Tompa, which was excerpted in the Summer 2021 issue of WLT, was the recipient of a PEN Translates Grant.

  • Nina Kossman is a Moscow-born artist, bilingual poet, translator of Russian poetry, sculptor, and playwright. Among her published works are three books of poems in Russian and in English, two collections of short stories, an anthology she edited for Oxford University Press, two volumes of translations of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poems, a novel, and several plays. Her Russian poems and short stories have been published in major Russian literary magazines in and outside of Russia. A recipient of many awards, she lives in New York. She edits East-West Literary Forum, a bilingual journal (in English and Russian).

  • Photo by Diana Tyszko

    Christina E. Kramer is professor emerita at the University of Toronto. She is the author of numerous books on Macedonian language and the Balkans and a translator of Macedonian literature: Freud’s Sister, by Goce Smilevski; My Father’s Books, The Time of the Goats, and The Path of the Eels, by Luan Starova; and A Spare Life, by Lidija Dimkovksa. 

  • Denise Kripper is a literary translator from Buenos Aires. She holds a PhD in literature and cultural studies from Georgetown University and is now an assistant professor of Latin American literature and translation at Lake Forest College.

  • Alison Krögel is an associate professor of Quechua and Andean Studies at the University of Denver and the editor of the digital Quechua poetry collective, Musuq Illa. Her latest book of literary criticism—Musuq Illa: Poética del harawi en runasimi (20002020)—was published in 2021 and focuses on contemporary Quechua poetry from Ecuador, Perú, and Bolivia.