Librería Ulíses in Santiago de Chile. Photo courtesy of Librería Ulíses.I ARRIVED IN Santiago de Chile on a blisteringly hot Sunday afternoon in early December 2016, too travel-we…
In Every Issue
Photo: Kalpna Chitnis-SinghHOW FORTUNATE IT IS to be born in a small town in the eastern state of Bihar, India, I learned only when I once went to seek the blessings of a highly…
Photo: Tyler McElroy WHEN THINKING OF San Diego, most people imagine palm trees, sand, and ocean breeze. Over thirty-five million tourists visit the city each year, and most come for…
Hearth: A Global Conversation on Community, Identity, and Place Ed. Annick Smith & Susan O’ConnorMilkweed Editions In many of the essays and poems in this remarkable new collection, the…
Photo: evelyn/Pexels On November 25, 2018, a new book prize for crime novels where “no woman is beaten, stalked, sexually exploited, raped or murdered” will be awarded for the first time. The Staunch…
WHAT DO TWO LATE masterpieces by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky, Demons (1872) and The Brothers Karamazov (1880), have in common, apart from the technical fact that the action of b…
Kimberly Richardson from Kira Obolensky’s Park and Lake. Photo © Paula Keller. Photo courtesy of Ten Thousand Things Theater Company. THE THEATER OFFERS a rich experience of immersive storyt…
Svalbard Photo: mariusz kluzniak/Flickr A YEAR AGO I TOOK A TRIP to Svalbard, the nearest inhabited archipelago to the North Pole. I was there to work with the Libyan poet Ashur Etwe…
IT'S A RUNNING JOKE that Nagoya is the most boring city in Japan, and at first glance it seems like there’s some truth to it. It’s not the flashy Tokyo, the bustling merchant city of…
Photos: Erin Donnelly While Buenos Aires is primarily known for Maradona, the tango, and some of the tastiest steak in the world, for me it will always be the city of books. The booming literary scen…
Hummingbirds Between the Pages Chris Arthur Ohio State University Press (2018) Chris Arthur’s most recent collection of essays, Hummingbirds Between the Pages, makes a compelling argument on…
Photo: Richard Burger/Flickr Given the years of apprenticeship that most professional writers put in, it is not surprising that notable persons in sports, politics, and other fields rarely have the t…
ONE OF THE FIRST BOOKS I read as a teen was C. S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I was transported into a fantastical world that could occur by simply walking…
Norwegian musicians Bernt Jansen and Nils Kvaale Rue perform bass and vocals in Jørn Lande and Trond Holter’s Dracula—Swing of Death. Photo: Boris Danielsen ROCK OPERA is a…
Photo: Eric Kilby/Flickr Ursula Andkjær Olsen is one of Denmark’s most important contemporary poets. A poets’ poet and a critics’ darling, she won the prestigious literary award Montanaprisen in 2013…
Photo: Tony Webster On April 21, 2016, a chain-link fence in a Minneapolis suburb became a monument. At Paisley Park in Chanhassen, purple flowers and balloons, stuffed animals, handwritten signs, an…
Photo: Alana Marie Levinson LaBrosse In the Kurdish language the word kashkul describes a Sufi’s traditional begging bowl. Over time, the term evolved to also describe a commonplace book, a…
Illustration by Stephanie Kubo The conventional wisdom in publishing for many years has been that women read and men don’t. Market research shows that men, on the whole, read for work, concentrating…
I f you’re not one of those people who has a stack of cookbooks on your nightstand already, you might not know that there’s a lot more to read in a cookbook than just the recipes. Cookbooks can be a s…
Author Rabih Alameddine regularly shares batches of fine art on his Twitter feed. Partridges in the Snow, by Józef Marian Chełmoński, was among his recent shares. It’s no secret that Twitter…
Photo: Google Earth The Herring and the Saxophone (Le Hareng et le saxophone), a hybrid work by Sylvie Weil, is listed as a novel, yet just as in Tim O’Brien’s The Thin…
Photo: Kirk Fisher/Pixabay Amsterdam is much more than first meets the eye. From afar, Amsterdam seems to consist of only the scandalous Red Light District and the somber Anne Frank House. But up clo…
photo: Tyler McElroy A bustling center of business and culture, New York City is host to one of the most vibrant literary scenes in America. Manhattan and its surrounding boroughs are often featured…
photo: Victrola gramophone by jimmy baikovicius/flickr W hat is crime fiction about? One glib answer is the struggle between good and evil. As light is defined by darkness, there is no hero without t…
A Book Bento Box post for Hermione Hoby’s debut novel Neon in Daylight. photo: courtesy of book bento box W hile social media gives us an unprecedented connection to each o…