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Marilyne Bertoncini
Born in Flanders and dividing her time between Nice and Parma, Marilyne Bertoncini is a teacher, poet, and translator. Her most recent publications include La Noyée d’Onagawa (Jacques André Éditeur, 2020), Son corps d’ombre (Éd. Zinzoline, 2021), and a translation: Gili Haimovich’s Soleil hésitant (Jacques André Éditeur, 2021). Since 2016 she has been the co-director of the online literary review Recours au Poème.
Uldis Bērziņš’
Uldis Bērziņš’ (1944–2021) was a Latvian poet and translator. The last of his many books of poetry, Idylls, appeared in 2018. An astounding polyglot, he translated into Latvian El Cantar de mio Cid, the Edda, the Qur’an, several books of the Hebrew Bible, modern authors including Szymborska, Khlebnikov, Auden, and Borges, and much else.
Pierre Bettencourt
Pierre Bettencourt (1917–2006) was a critically acclaimed French essayist, painter, poet, and printer who first self-published his own work on a family-owned manual press during the Nazi occupation of France.
Zakarya Bezdoode
Zakarya Bezdoode is an associate professor of English literature at the University of Kurdistan and a part-time researcher at the Kurdistan Studies Institute of the University of Kurdistan, Iran. He does research on contemporary English and Kurdish fiction.
Jenny Bhatt
Jenny Bhatt is a writer, literary translator, book critic, and the host of the Desi Books podcast. Her story collection, Each of Us Killers, was out in the US in September 2020, and her literary translation, Ratno Dholi: The Best Stories of Dhumketu, appeared in India in October 2020. She lives in the Dallas, Texas, area and teaches fiction at Writing Workshops Dallas.
Photo by Rajarshi Dasguptadiv>Manash Firaq Bhattacharjee
Manash Firaq Bhattacharjee is a poet, writer, and political science scholar from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He is the author of Nehru and the Spirit of India (Penguin Random House, 2022).
Shelly Bhoil
Shelly Bhoil is a Brazil-based writer. Her forthcoming works include an edited volume, Resistant Hybridities: New Narratives of Exile Tibet (Lexington Books, US).
Apala Bhowmick
Apala Bhowmick lives in India, where she has worked in the editorial departments of Seagull Books (Kolkata) and Routledge Books (New Delhi), after graduating from college with an English literature degree. She currently freelances as a copyeditor, literary translator, and reviews fiction and nonfiction books for various platforms.
Photo: Daniel Simondiv>Elisa Biagini
Elisa Biagini has published seven poetry collections, most recently Da una crepa (2014). Her poems have been translated into many languages, and she has published editions of her poetry in Spain and the US. A translator from English—of Alicia Ostriker, Sharon Olds, and Lucille Clifton, among others—she has published an anthology of contemporary American poetry, Nuovi Poeti Americani (Einaudi, 2006). She lives in Florence and teaches writing at NYU-Florence.
Photo by Amit Manndiv>Nino Biniashvili
Nino Biniashvili (b. 1980, Georgia) lives and works in Jerusalem. Her graphic novel, On the Edge of the Black Sea, won the 2018 Israel Museum’s award for best illustrated book. Her illustrations have been featured in the Swiss newspaper Das Magazin, the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation (Brandenburg, Potsdam), the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, and more.
Elizabeth Bishop
Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979) was born in Massachussetts. Her father died when she was very young, and as a result of the heartbreak, her mother was committed to an institution in 1916. Bishop never reunited with her mother and was subsequently raised by her grandparents. Though she dabbled with poetry while in school, Bishop left home to attend Vassar College for music composition in 1929. After suffering a bout of stage fright, she changed her focus to English literature. Following her graduation from college, Bishop spent the rest of her life traveling, writing poetry, and teaching at various colleges around the United States. She is the 1976 laureate of the Neustadt Prize.
Sherwin Bitsui
Sherwin Bitsui (Diné) is the author of Flood Song (Copper Canyon Press) and Shapeshift (University of Arizona Press). He is of the Bįį’bítóó’nii’ Tódi’chii’nii clan and is born for the Tlizilłani’ clan. He is from White Cone, Arizona, on the Navajo Reservation. His honors include the 2011 Lannan Literary Fellowship, a Native Arts & Culture Foundation Fellowship for Literature, a PEN Open Book Award, an American Book Award, and a Whiting Writers Award. Bitsui lives in Missoula, Montana, and teaches for the MFA writing programs of the University of Montana and the Institute of American Indian Arts.
Chantal Bizzini
Chantal Bizzini, poet, photographer, and translator, lives in Paris. Her poems have been translated into English, Spanish, Italian, and modern Greek. A selected poems was published as Disenchanted City (La ville désenchantée) in a bilingual edition by Black Widow Press.
Ben Black
Ben Black has an MFA from San Francisco State University and teaches English and creative writing in the Bay Area. His work has been published in the Southampton Review, New American Writing, Cream City Review, Harpur Palate, and the Los Angeles Review. His stories have been finalists for the Calvino Prize, the Vonnegut Prize, the Prairie Schooner Book Prize, and the Fairy Tale Review Award in Prose. He is also an assistant fiction editor at AGNI.
William Black
William Black teaches creative writing at the Johns Hopkins University. His stories have appeared in The Sun, Southern Review, Threepenny Review, and elsewhere.
Lily Blackburn
Lily Blackburn is a writer based in Portland, Oregon, where she is also an editor for Typehouse Literary and a workshop facilitator for the nonprofit artist community The People’s Colloquium. She writes book reviews, memoir, and flash.
Kimberly Blaeser
Kimberly Blaeser (Anishinaabe) is past Wisconsin Poet Laureate, a professor at UW–Milwaukee, and MFA faculty member for IAIA. Blaeser is the author of three poetry collections, most recently Apprenticed to Justice, and editor of Traces in Blood, Bone, and Stone: Contemporary Ojibwe Poetry. Her current project combines her photography and poetry in a new form she calls “picto-poems.”
Ana Blandiana
Ana Blandiana is one of Romania’s foremost poets, a leading dissident before the fall of communism. In recognition of her contribution to European culture and her valiant fight for human and civil rights, Blandiana was awarded the Légion d’Honneur (2009), and the US State Department distinguished her with the Romanian Women of Courage Award (2014). She won the European Poet of Freedom Prize (Gdansk, 2016) for My Native Land A4 (2010), published in English by Bloodaxe.
Gloria Blizzard
Award-winning writer Gloria Blizzard is a Black Canadian woman of multiple heritages, surrounded by European culture, living on the Indigenous lands of the Americas. Her essays, profiles, and poetry have appeared in the Globe and Mail,, The Conversation, Dance International, Poetry Canada Review, The WholeNote, THIS Magazine, and the Humber Literary Review. She holds an MFA from the University of King’s College, Canada, and is completing her first collection of essays.
Jonathan Blum
Jonathan Blum is the author of several short stories and Last Word, a novella featured on The Huffington Post, KCRW's Bookworm, and Iowa Public Radio. He is the recipient of a grant from the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation and a Michener-Copernicus Society of America Award. He currently resides in Los Angeles.
Susan Blumberg-Kason
Susan Blumberg-Kason is the author of the cross-cultural memoir Good Chinese Wife and the co-editor of a collection of short stories, Hong Kong Noir. She is a regular contributor to the Asian Review of Books, and her work has also appeared in the South China Morning Post, PopMatters, and the Los Angeles Review of Books’s China Channel.
Robert Bly
Robert Bly is an internationally recognized poet, translator, and editor. His most recent books include Talking into the Ear of a Donkey (W.W. Norton) and Like the New Moon I Will Live My Life (White Pine). His collected poems are forthcoming from Norton. He lives in Minneapolis with his wife, Ruth.
Leo Boix
Leo Boix is a bilingual Latinx poet born in Argentina who lives and works in the UK. His debut English collection, Ballad of a Happy Immigrant (2021), was awarded the Poetry Book Society Wild Card Choice. He received the Bart Wolffe Poetry Prize, the Keats-Shelley Prize, and a PEN Award. Photo by Naomi Woodis
Photo by Mathieu Bourgoisdiv>Roberto Bolaño
The author of many acclaimed works, Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003) was a Chilean novelist, short-story writer, poet, and essayist. He was described by the New York Times as "the most significant Latin American literary voice of his generation," and his many prizes include the prestigious Herralde de Novela Award and the Premio Rómulo Gallegos.
Robert Bonazzi
Robert Bonazzi is the author of Man in the Mirror: The Story of Black Like Me (Orbis, 1997) and afterwords to John Howard Griffin’s Black Like Me (Penguin, 2010). Other books include Awakened by Surprise (fiction, Lamar University, 2016), Outside the Margins (essays, Wings, 2015), plus five books of poetry.
Cynthia Bond
Cynthia Bond is a writer and educator who has taught writing to homeless and at-risk youth throughout Los Angeles for more than fifteen years. As a PEN Rosenthal Fellow, Cynthia also founded the Blackbird Writing Collective in 2011. She currently lives in Los Angeles with her daughter.
Tanella Boni
Tanella Boni is one of the most prominent figures in modern African literature. Boni’s 2004 novel Matins de couvre-feu received the Ahmadou Kourouma Prize. In 2009 she won the Antonio Viccaro International Poetry Prize. The poem here is from Là où il fait si clair en moi, winner of the 2018 Prix Théophile Gautier from the French Academy.
Yves Bonnefoy
Yves Bonnefoy (born 24 June 1923) is a French poet and essayist. Bonnefoy was born in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, the son of a railroad worker and a teacher. His works have been of great importance in post-war French literature, at the same time poetic and theoretical, examining the meaning of the spoken and written word. He has also published a number of translations, most notably Shakespeare as well as several works on art and art history, including Miró and Giacometti.
Piedad Bonnett
Piedad Bonnett (b. 1951), one of Colombia’s most celebrated writers, has been widely recognized as a leading voice in contemporary Latin American poetry. She is the author of several award-winning collections, including Los habitados (The haunted, 2016) and the highly acclaimed Lo que no tiene nombre (That which has no name, 2013).