Calling All Readers: What’s Your Must-Read Book on Climate Change?

April 12, 2019
A group of children holding climate change protest signs amass in London
The Youth Strike for Climate Protest, London, March 15, 2019 / Photo: David Holt / Flickr

Looking ahead to our summer 2019 issue, with its cover focus devoted to “The Global Literature of Climate Change,” the editors of WLT are seeking reader input on the following question:

What work of fiction, poetry, theater, or nonfiction has had the most profound impact on your understanding of climate change?

By May 20, in 50 words or less, tweet us your response with the hashtag #wltclifi, and we may feature your answer in the issue. You can also email with #wltclifi in the subject line.

The cover feature will include short fiction by Alberto Chimal (Mexico), poetry by Jane Hirshfield (US), an essay by Chris Arthur (Ireland), flash creative nonfiction by Sandra Jensen (South Africa), and a recommended reading list by Pireeni Sundaralingam (Sri Lanka/US). Not to be missed: Rob Vollmar’s interview with Permaculture co-founder and futurist David Holmgren (Australia) highlights how global economic collapse might save us from the worst climate-warming outcome. And Amy Brady, author of the “Burning Worlds” column for the Chicago Review of Books, offers her own cli-fi reading suggestions.

We welcome your recommendations!

University of Oklahoma